Finger Stretching Exercise |

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Finger Stretching Exercise

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If you have trouble getting your fingers stretched out to play chords (especially common for beginners) then this exercise is for you.

PLEASE NOTE: If your hand hurts during this exercise, then please stop and if pain persists, then go see your doctor! A bit sore is fine, you should feel the muscles stretching and a little sore afterwards, but pain is your body's way of saying something is wrong. So stop 

Additional Notes

Start by playing the frets as shown below in Example 1 - with your fingers all in adjacent frets. Try and keep your fingers lined up with the frets, not at an angle.

Once you are cool with that it is time to try and stretch out your finger 4 to reach up an extra fret, Ex 2.

Then onto Ex.3 where you will stretch your first finger back.

Lastly, you try and stretch out both your finger 1 and 4 out - which makes a BIG stretch.

If you can do it ok - then start moving the whole exercise down the fingerboard - because the frets get further apart it will work your stretch more and more.

7th fret
8th fret
9th fret
10th fret
11th fret
12 fret
Ex. 1
Finger 1
Finger 2
Finger 3
Finger 4
Ex. 2
Finger 1
Finger 2
Finger 3
Finger 4
Ex. 3
Finger 1
Finger 2
Finger 3
Finger 4
Ex. 4
Finger 1
Finger 2
Finger 3
Finger 4

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