Tap Tempo BPM Tool | JustinGuitar.com

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Tap Tempo Tool

Calculate a Song Tempo in BPM!

Working out the BPM (Beats Per Minute) of any song is super easy now that you found this page!

  • 1 Hit the Start The Tempo Calculator button below
  • 2 Then simply tap along with the beat of the song.
    On a mobile/tablet device, tap the orange button!
    On a computer, click the orange button or use the spacebar on your keyboard.
  • 3 The tempo of the song will be shown on screen as you tap.
    It will change if you speed up or slow down - so try to keep it steady!
  • 4The tempo resets after 3 seconds.
    To start again, just wait 3 seconds or hit the end button.
    Do it a couple of times for full accuracy to remove human error ;)
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