Technique: Fretting Hand |

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Technique: Fretting Hand

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All techniques related to putting your fingers on the guitar fretboard.

10 Lessons

Finger Stretching Exercise

Finger Stretching Exercise

If you have trouble getting your fingers stretched out to play chords (especially common for beginners) then this exercise is for you. PLEASE NOTE: If your hand hurts du...

Minimum Movement Exercise

Minimum Movement Exercise

One of the most powerful and effective exercises you can do to improve your guitar technique!

Finger Rolling

Finger Rolling

Playing notes in the same fret but on different strings can pose a problem for many people. There are a few approaches to solving this problem. Some people say that you ...

Finger Gym

Finger Gym

** Important note ** A newer version of this lesson can be found here. Play Better Guitar: The Finger Gym Exercise In the new version I have revised my advice and now ...

Correct Thumb Placement On The Neck

A lot of people worry about where to place their thumb... but there's no set place. Hear where / when in this lesson!

Vibrato (Hand Style)

Vibrato is a very important technique and conveys a lot of emotion. Without it you playing will likely sound flat and uninspired. Many people seem to pick it up without ...

Vibrato (Whole Arm Style)

I managed to ignore this technique for the first 15 years I played guitar, man I wish I hadn't, it's really cool. Not I've got it down I use it as much or more than the s...

Neck Bending Vibrato

I unashamedly copped this technique from the TeleMaster Jim Campilongo after doing an interview with him and checking out how he was doing it. It's become a staple of my...

String Bending Technique

String bending is a basic blues and rock technique. The idea is to "bend" (push a string across or over the fingerboard with your left-hand fingers) so that the string ge...

String Bending Vibrato

Possibly one of the questions I get asked the most is how to add vibrato to a bend. It can be a bit tricky to get going and sound good, but if you are using a good bendin...

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