The Cave by Mumford & Sons |

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About This Lesson

Learn to Play "The Cave" by Mumford & Sons on Guitar

In this lesson, we'll learn how to play The Cave by Mumford & Sons on the guitar. This exciting tune is a lot of fun to play and not as difficult as it sounds!

This song has three main parts, or 'vibes' as I like to call them. We've got the intro, the main section, and the instrumental part, which is rich with different instruments in the background. Each part brings a unique flavor to the song, making it more interesting to play.


Open D Tuning and Introduction

We're going to start off with open D tuning. This means that your guitar will be tuned to D, A, D, F sharp, A, D. However, I recommend that you tune up with the capo on. This will give you a different sound and a unique tuning that adds a special touch to the song.


Learning the Riffs and Chords

The song starts off with a simple riff and then moves on to the chords. The first chord we play is simple, with no fingers down on the frets. Then, we move on to another chord, which is slightly more complex.

Next, we transition to a G chord, which is similar to an E7 chord in this open D tuning. We then round off with a D chord.

Riff 2 forms the chorus and starts slightly muted with a D chord. This gives a nice dampening effect and adds a different dimension to the sound.

Finally, Riff 3 is a mix of the chord progression and the riff. This is where we start strumming, adding a different texture and rhythm to the song.


Playing the Song and Having Fun

One of the things I love about this song is that it's really enjoyable to play. It sounds great and is a fantastic introduction to the open D tuning. You get all those extra drone notes ringing out that aren't really chord tones, but they sound fantastic.

Remember, practicing a song is not just about learning the chords and riffs but also about enjoying the process. Don't worry too much about getting every note perfect. Instead, focus on the overall sound and rhythm of the song.


Wrapping Up

Thank you for joining me in this lesson today. I hope you enjoy learning how to play The Cave by Mumford & Sons on guitar. Remember, practice makes permanent. So, keep strumming, and you'll get the hang of it in no time!

Also, don't forget to check out the video to see these techniques in action. It's a great way to get a visual understanding of how to play the song.


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