Sweet Child 'O Mine [CHORUS RIFF] by Guns N' Roses | JustinGuitar.com

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About This Lesson

Loads of people get this wrong!

So here's how you properly play the chorus to "Sweet Child O Mine" on guitar. :)  

This lesson will walk you through the chorus, focusing on that little riff - that many guitar players seem to get it wrong (or not play it at all!)


💡 This tutorial is Part 4 of my Sweet Child O Mine Guitar Lessons Series. To learn the introduction and work your way to this tutorial, start here, learning to play Sweet's Child O Mine intro! 


Ok - so the chorus riff in this Guns N' Roses classic is great fun to play. However, it's not a beginner thing! I spent a lot of time listening to the original recording and studying how Slash approaches it. It's an essential bit if you want to play the lead for the whole song!


💡 This lesson is awesome to practice skills you learn in our Intermediate Guitar Lessons - Grade 5+.


Now grab your guitar and get stuck in. 


Sweet Child O Mine Chorus Riff

You'll first start playing a riff on the A chord to play the chorus riff. Then, you'll follow straight to the C. You'll finish with a riff on the D chord, the same that we saw in the intro lesson.

Fingering makes a huge difference here. I'd recommend spending some time sorting out what works best for you.


😅  It might surprise you how tricky this feel! Practice is the cure here - so keep at it! 


Check out the close-up in the video lesson to see the progression!


Main Riff Fingerpicking

For the fingerpicking, find whatever feels best for you! It might take you a bit of exploration to see what feels easiest. To help guide you, here's a recommended fingerpicking pattern:




The fingerpicking pattern is not easy to play! The intricate fingering can make it a bit messy. Take your time, slow things down if you have to, and ease into it. :)


JustinGuitar - Sweet Child O Mine Guitar Series

My Sweet Child Series has seven guitar lessons. We'll dive into each part in detail and examine all the bits of this iconic rock n roll tune. This way, you're sure to play it as accurately as possible on your guitar! Learn more:


Get chords, tabs, and lyrics to follow these song tutorials. Check out JustinGuitar Tabs!

Check out the original

Other Songs by Guns N' Roses
Getting the Sound