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In this lesson, we'll learn how to play Budapest on the guitar, a wonderful tune by the talented George Ezra. His unique, rich voice and skillful songwriting make this song a delight to learn.
If you want to play Budapest exactly as it sounds in the original recording, you'll need to tune each string down one tone. If you're unfamiliar with this, don't worry! There are lessons on my website where I explain how to tune your guitar down a tone.
George Ezra often uses a capo when he plays this song live. This is because he's playing a baritone guitar, which is tuned down a whole fourth. He places the capo on the second fret, creating a beautiful, warm tonality.
Now, let's dive into the song itself. Budapest has a simple structure with only three chords: G, C, and D. These chords form the backbone of the song, and once you get the hang of transitioning between them, you're well on your way to mastering the song!
Throughout the verses, you'll be playing the G chord for most parts, switching to the C chord for two bars, and then going back to G. This simple progression repeats throughout the song, creating a catchy rhythm that's characteristic of this tune.
The chorus introduces the D chord. You'll play D for one bar, C for one bar, and G for two bars. This pattern repeats throughout the chorus, giving it a distinct, uplifting feel.
George Ezra uses a very cool picking style in this song, adding a lot of texture and rhythm. This might be a bit challenging if you're used to strumming, but with a bit of practice, you'll get the hang of it. It's definitely worth it, as it adds a unique flair to the song.
One of the key aspects of playing Budapest is getting the feel of the song right. This means not just playing the right chord at the right time but also understanding the rhythm and groove of the song. This might take a bit of practice, but it will make a huge difference in how the song sounds.
Budapest is a lovely tune that sounds great on both electric and acoustic guitars. If you're playing it on an electric guitar, consider adjusting your tone settings to get a warmer, rounder sound.
Remember, practice makes permanent! Don't be discouraged if you don't get it right away. Keep practicing, and soon enough, you'll be playing Budapest with ease. Don't forget to enjoy the process and have fun while you're at it. George Ezra's Budapest is a beautiful song and a joy to learn. So grab your guitar, tune it up, watch the video where I demonstrate all these points in detail, and let's get started!
Check out the original
This John Lennon classic is perfect for advancing beginners, featuring open chords, fun rhythms, and a descending baseline that's easier than you think.