Coffee & TV by Blur |
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Learn to Play "Coffee & TV" by Blur on the Guitar

In this lesson, we'll learn how to play Coffee & TV by Blur on the guitar. This catchy tune is not only fun to play, but it's also a great way to work on your barre chords.


Understanding the Song

Coffee & TV is an absolutely cracking tune, and the barre chords work well in it. It also has a nice little strumming pattern that's a bit percussive. It has that little click as part of the strumming, which gives it a really good vibe.


Chord Progression

The chord progression of Coffee & TV is what makes it a really cracking tune and a great choice for working on your barre chords. There are loads of different barre chords in there. The chords are in a particular sequence, and remember that there are always two ways to play every barre chord.

It starts with a B chord and then goes down to an E. It then moves down to an A chord, an E, G, and F, then jumps up to an A# or a B♭ chord. The verse sequence then ends with C# major or just C#.

The second half of the verse is exactly the same chord, but instead of going to C# at the end, it goes to A. This interesting chord sequence is what makes Blur stand out. They come up with really interesting sequences.

The chorus also has quite a few chords in it, starting from C# minor, then going to B, A, E, A, and ending with D.


Strumming Pattern

The strumming pattern we use most of the way through the tune is a bit percussive and changes depending on the tune's vibe. The main vibe is going down, up, hit. Sometimes, it's just going down, up, down. Depending on how you feel the tune, you might want to click and put the click in.


Wrapping Up

So there you have it! A quick overview of how to play Coffee & TV by Blur on the guitar. Remember, practice makes permanent. Keep working on those barre chords—before you know it, you'll be playing this song like a pro!

Don't forget to watch the video for a more detailed explanation and a live demonstration of how to play the song.

And remember, keep practicing, stay positive, and enjoy the process of learning this cracking tune!


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