Ukulele Beginner Course |

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Ukulele Beginner Course

video coming soon

The ukulele was my first string instrument! Although I'm a guitar teacher, I had loads of fun putting this beginner ukulele course together. Hope you enjoy it. :)

8 Lessons

54 mins and 36 sec

Ukulele Quick & Easy! 4 Chords & Many Songs

Ukulele Quick & Easy! 4 Chords & Many Songs

This is the quick and easy guide to playing the Ukulele! Learn 4 easy chords, simple strumming and a whole bunch of awesome songs. You'll be playing in no time!

Ukulele Open Chords [Part 1]

Ukulele Open Chords [Part 1]

In this ukulele lesson, we're going to check out 9 awesome open chords, major, minor and 7th for C, F and G.

Ukulele Open Chords [Part 2]

Ukulele Open Chords [Part 2]

Learn more Ukulele Open Chords in this lesson in which we'll learn another 9 common uke chords, major, minor and 7th for D, E and A.

Ukulele Shuffle Strum, Get Your Groove On!

Ukulele Shuffle Strum, Get Your Groove On!

In this lesson we'll learn the Shuffle Strum which is a real common groove for the ukulele, a very happy feel!

Backbeat Groove, 2 & 4 Hit Strums

In this ukulele lesson, we'll play the backbeat groove which adds an accent on beats 2 and 4 of your strumming pattern!

Notes On The Ukulele Fretboard

In this ukulele lesson, we'll be learning the notes on the fretboard which is very useful for learning chords, scales and more!

Ukulele Movable Chords: Shape 1

In this ukulele lesson, we learn a movable chord shape (much like a barre chord on guitar) which will expand your chord vocabulary dramatically!

How to Tune a Ukulele

Learn how to tune your ukulele in 3 easy steps - with or without a tuner!