Transcribing Blues Solos |

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Transcribing Blues Solos

Work out solos on your own and become a better Blues guitar player!

Many guitarists struggle with working out solos on their own—the notes are hard to 'separate' from the backing guitar parts, things are too fast, too slow and the frustration leads to quitting the whole idea. So I made a set of Blues solos in the styles of some of the great masters for you to transcribe!

what will you learn?

What you will learn in JustinGuitar Transcribing Blues Solos

5 Blues Solos with backing tracks

Full TAB transcriptions to check your work at the end

GPX files to use in Guitar Pro

I transcribed a ton of solos from Albert King, Eric Clapton, Chuck Berry, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Jimi Hendrix. I then distilled many of their most commonly used licks and arranged them into solos for YOU to transcribe and learn the vocabulary of these blues masters in an easy way.

This course will make all future blues transcriptions a lot easier to get started on since you will be familiar with different styles and licks. It should also make you a better blues player.

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Transcribe the solos by ear and only use the tabs to check your work at the end or take a sneak peek if you REALLY need it.
Read through the notes and check out the Transcribing 1 Module (free) if you need advice on the transcribing process.
After transcribing, memorize the solo and practice along with the accompanying backing track!