Making The Blues Changes |

Making The Blues Changes

It's time to play like the masters! Let's learn how to handle chords individually rather than just sticking to one scale.

8 Lessons

1 hour 58 mins

Major Pentatonic In The Blues

Major Pentatonic In The Blues

For many people, the first time they encounter 'making the changes' is with a Major Pentatonic Scale and I think it's a great place to start. If you wanna dig into the ha...

Major Pentatonic Study Lick 1

Major Pentatonic Study Lick 1

This simple lick is GREAT for getting started with the Major Pentatonic and learning how to make the changes in a Blues! Learn it slow - practice it on each chord and th...

Major Pentatonic Study Lick 2

Major Pentatonic Study Lick 2

We continue our study of the Major Pentatonic and learning to make changes with another lick - which I think is a real important one because it can be played simple and e...

Mixing Major & Minor Pentatonics

Mixing Major & Minor Pentatonics

This lesson has been very heavily requested but I think we needed to build up to it by exploring the Major Pentatonic first! The basic idea is as follows: I Chord (A7) ...

Starting Arpeggios In The Blues

The next step in your 'making the changes' journey is a big one, but we're going to keep it slow and easy and I'll show you the trick I developed for making it musical an...

Dominant 7 Arpeggio Blues Licks

As I mentioned in the previous lesson - it can be difficult to make arpeggios sound right in a blues - they tend to sound kinda stiff and just not right. But by framing ...

The IV Chord Arpeggio

Now that you (hopefully) feel confident on the I chord using the A7 Arpeggio - it's time to introduce playing the arpeggio on the IV chord - in the key of A (which we're ...

The Arpeggiator [be afraid!]

WARNING! This exercise might hurt your brain... but it's totally worth it :)