Major Scale Maestro 1 |

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Major Scale Maestro 1

Learn how to make music using the Major Scales!

10 Lessons

Major Scale Pattern 1

Major Scale Pattern 1

Let's explore Pattern 1 of the Major Scale and start jamming with it!

Chords In Keys - For Jamming

Chords In Keys - For Jamming

Learn how to find chords in any key and get started with jamming in G and C Major. The Unit 1 Practice Schedule is here!

One Finger Solos

One Finger Solos

Don't skip this lesson. It's one of the most powerful scale exercises EVER!

Re-Active Listening â„¢

Re-Active Listening â„¢

Learn to develop your ears and your ability to identify chord tones and how to land on good notes when soloing!

Major Scale Pattern 2

Learn Pattern 2 and a very effective approach to switching between individual notes on the fretboard.

Moving Between Scale Patterns

Learn how to choose which Major Scale pattern to play and the best way of switching between patterns.

Major Scale In 3rds

This lesson will help you create more melodic solos on guitar - playing scales in 3rds!

Motif Development

Here's how you make your guitar solos flow better.

Major Scale Pattern 3

Pattern 3 of the Major Scale is based around the C Shape of the CAGED System. It's an easy pattern to play - and one of my favorites!

Fretboard Framework

Unleash the guitar fretboard and improvise with scales all over the guitar neck!