Rhythm & Chord Changes + Your First Riff! | JustinGuitar.com

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Rhythm & Chord Changes + Your First Riff!

Understand how strumming and faster chord changes work, so you don't struggle with rhythm. And learn the E chord and your first riff on guitar!

9 Lessons

How To Play The E Chord

How To Play The E Chord

The E chord is easy to play and a very common open chord!

E Chord Anchors & Tricks

E Chord Anchors & Tricks

Let's learn how to move faster between the A, D, and E chords! :)

Tapping Your Foot

Tapping Your Foot

There's a reason why we tap our foot (or nod our head!) when we listen to music. Learn how this can help you play better guitar!

Strumming Mechanics

Strumming Mechanics

Let’s go over some of the fundamentals of strumming. They are important to build a solid foundation!

Strumming On The Beat

Learn an easy strumming pattern and get ready for more complex ones!

Chord Changes For One

Wondering how to get your chords ready to strum on the beat?

Peter Gunn Theme

The Peter Gunn theme is a classic riff and a great beginner exercise!

Songs For Module 2

Learn loads of songs using only the A, D, and E chords!

Module 2 Practice Routine

In this lesson, we check out what I recommend you practice for the next week or two.

previous Module
A & D Chords: Play Your First Song!
next Module
Capo, Minor Chords & Up Strums