JustinGuitar News | JustinGuitar.com

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JustinGuitar News

All news related to JustinGuitar are here!

16 Lessons

Get a stunning PRS Custom guitar for only ยฃ5!

Get a stunning PRS Custom guitar for only ยฃ5!

Win Big and Give Back with the JustinGuitar Big Raffle! ๐ŸŽธ

FREE DOWNLOAD: 12 Days of Christmas Songs Booklet

FREE DOWNLOAD: 12 Days of Christmas Songs Booklet

Download your FREE booklet and enjoy a complimentary Christmas playlist on my app. :)

JustinGuitar Ultimate Bundle, Sales and Discount Codes!

JustinGuitar Ultimate Bundle, Sales and Discount Codes!

Here are our offers for the 2023 Black Friday season. :)

JustinGuitar is Playin' It Forward - Free guitars for those in need!

JustinGuitar is Playin' It Forward - Free guitars for those in need!

Howdy guitar friend, nothing can stop you from learning to play. Apply here for a free guitar.

JustinGuitar Lessons & Songs App Gift Cards are now available!

This is the ultimate gift for every guitar enthusiast in your life - including yourself, of course! :)

20 Years Ago...

Howdy guitar friend, can you believe I started JustinGuitar 20 years ago?

Songs Removed from the JustinGuitar Lessons & Songs App

As you probably noticed, we had to remove some songs from the JustinGuitar Lessons & Songs App library. Here's why - and a sorry note!

Black Friday Sale 2022: Boost Your Guitar Journey!

Lock-in a special price when subscribing to my guitar app, JustinGuitarTabs, and loads more offers.

What's the JustinGuitar Grade System All About?

I developed the JustinGuitar Grade System to help you have a clear view of the learning pathway available to you at JustinGuitar.com!

Understanding the Donation System

At JustinGuitar, we believe that good things come to good people. That's been Justin's mantra his entire life, and that's how JustinGuitar took form!

Grade 3: New Lessons Available & Feedback!

It's great to see a brand-new Grade 3 coming together. What a journey, eh?

101 Children's Easy, Timeless Songs You Can Play - on the guitar or the ukulele! :)

Learn super easy children's songs on the guitar or the ukulele and enhance your kids' interest in music!

JustinGuitar Teachers: Book with Jim Campilongo & Mike Dawes!

You can book private lessons with incredible artists and guitarists. They'll give 101 coaching to help you achieve your guitar goals!

JustinGuitar is ad-free!

Being ad-free is a dream come true. And it'll enhance your JustinGuitar experience and learning journey!

Scam Alert!

Scammers are working hard to get you and are multiplying daily. :( 

Planning to Learn Guitar This Summer?

My guitar app is your way to go if you want to boost your technique while playing the songs you (really) love.

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