Essential Blues Rhythm |

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Essential Blues Rhythm

Learn all the basics tools you need to play Blues Rhythm Guitar in a few different styles.

10 Lessons

12 Bar Blues in 12 Keys

12 Bar Blues in 12 Keys

Learn to see the I, IV and V chords visually grouped together on the fingerboard and move between them! An absolutely essential skill if you want to play the blues.

12 Bar Shuffle Picking Techniques

12 Bar Shuffle Picking Techniques

So this lesson is all about the picking and explains the different possibilities and how and when to play them. It's a really important part of playing blues rhythm.

12 Bar Chord Sequence Variations

12 Bar Chord Sequence Variations

This lesson covers the main variations on the chord sequence. Makes transcribing lots easier if you know what the most common forms are!!

12 Bar Riff Ideas & Approach Chords

12 Bar Riff Ideas & Approach Chords

Looking at variations (using little finger), sliding into chords, adding them on the and of four, using open strings to link.

Dominant 7th Chord Grips

Looking at the CAGED system 7th chords and variations within each one. Lotsa ways of playing the basic 7th chords keeps it real interesting :)

Blues Chord Extensions

Learn how to play and use 9th & 13th chords in a blues context, adds some spice to your rhythm playing!

Blues Gospel Slide Chords

Gospel Slides are a wonderful blues chord 'trick' that sounds tasteful and soulful and should be something you add to your rhythm bag right now!

Mini Blues 7th Chord Grips

Less is often more, particularly for chords! Mini Grips are small 2 note chords that sound great, are very versatile and easy to play!

Blues Turnarounds (Last 2 Bars!)

Turnarounds "turn the tune around" so you can play another round! You don't HAVE to use them, but they sound great, so why wouldn't you?

Creating Blues Riffs

Making up your own Blues riffs is loads of fun, and basing them of 6th and 7th arpeggios is easy and sounds real cool.

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Essential Blues Lead Guitar