Blues, Chips & Open Tuning |

Blues, Chips & Open Tuning

Learn open tuning basics and get creative! Plus, let's practice legato techniques (pull-offs and hammer-ons) by playing the A Minor Pentatonic Scale. We'll also learn how to add licks to your Blues guitar rhythm, triad chips, and loads more!

8 Lessons

2 hours 16 mins

Perfectly Starts Slowly

Perfectly Starts Slowly

Slow down your guitar journey so you can become a much better guitar player!

Open Tuning Basics

Open Tuning Basics

Learn how to get to Drop D, Double Drop D, Open G, and Open D tunings, and get creative with your guitar!

Legato Pentatonics

Legato Pentatonics

Legato means smoothly, and in practice, it means you'll use hammer-ons and flick-offs instead of picking every note. Learn it here!

Solo Blues 1 Lick-in' Riff

Solo Blues 1 Lick-in' Riff

Explore how to mix licks into your rhythm playing! Get that groovy Blues guitar sound to your playing.

Triad Chips Basics

Triad Chips are incredibly useful for Blues, Pop, and Soul. They're like little slices of the chords, and sound great!

Neuroplasticity to Learn Guitar Faster

If you're over 25 years old, you're an older learner. But here's the latest science to help you learn faster!

Transcribing Open Chords

Time to sort out songs that use open chords only! Here's a list of 10 incredible tunes you can transcribe. :)

Module 18 Practice Routine

Good job, you've done it! Here's your suggested practice routine for Module 18.

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Finger Strums, Triads, & The Musician In You
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Master Song Practice & Learn to Sing