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Learn how to play the G and C chords and some fundamental beginner techniques!
10 Lessons
Now it's time to have a go at the big 2/3 stretch! The G Chord can be quite a challenge for some people, but it's a very commonly-used chord, so you need to learn it. If...
This chord can also be quite a challenge... This one is a bit of stretch for some hands, but it is a very commonly-used chord, and again, it just takes practice to get r...
It's a very useful thing to know the note names of the open strings on your guitar. They are often used to describe finger placement (e.g., “put your 1st finger in the 2...
Get your timer out and get your fingers moving faster So here we are for more One Minute Changes, and these ones are going to be a little trickier thanks to our new frie...
This very basic exercise will help you develop a bit of strength and independence in your fingers. Although exercises like this can be a little boring, they help you deve...
The very basics of rhythm to start you getting in a groove... starting what I call Really Useful Strumming Patterns (RUST). Really Useful Strumming Patterns (RUST) R.U....
Once you have your C and G chords under your fingers you might like to check out this Country Roads (John Denver) play along! It's mainly G, C D and Em with a sneaky Fma...
We've got a couple more chords now (G and C) but there are now a load more songs you can play... like LOADS more. I usually recommend Hey Joe as being the best starter f...
The key to learning music well is to use your ears. Don't forget that music is about sound and listening so this part of your guitar study will help you a lot more than y...
At this stage we're up to a 30-minute workout. If you find this too much, then try breaking it into two 15-minute practice sessions on alternate days. Stage 3 Practice ...