RIFF Come As You Are | JustinGuitar.com

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RIFF Come As You Are

The C Chord05:49
Guitar Strumming Tips16:28
Exploring Strumming06:18
Understanding Music Notes06:05
Your Own Songbook04:02
RIFF Come As You Are05:00
Songs For Module 502:29
Module 5 Practice06:33

What's Better Than Learning While Playing Songs?

Learning While Playing NIRVANA! 🤘

Come As You Are by Nirvana is a classic 90s grunge track you're probably familiar with, aren't you? What's awesome about Come As You Are is that it has a powerful riff perfect for beginner guitar players!

In this guitar lesson, we'll only learn the riff. It sounds like the original recording, and that's cool stuff! There's more to this riff; if you're feeling adventurous, check out the full song tutorial here.

When playing this song, you'll be practicing: 

  1. Picking 
  2. Fingering
  3. Rhythm

If you're following my Beginner Guitar Course, I suggest you stick to this lesson and consider it a practical exercise to use the techniques you've learned so far. Grab your guitar, and let's get playing!


How To Play Come As You Are Riff

For this riff, you're going to use all down-picks. The challenge will be going back and forth between the two thickest strings. Make sure each pick is precise and the correct one!

You'll start by playing the open thickest string twice. Then, Finger 1 goes on the first fret of the thickest string. Follow with Finger 2 on the second fret of the thickest string. This whole sequence happens on beat 1.

You'll play an open A from the second fret, then back to the second fret on the thickest string. Follow by playing twice on the second fret of the thickest string. Finally,  Finger 1 plays on the first fret to the open.


🚨 If you're a more advanced guitar player, you could add in an F sharp Power Chord. That's Grade 2 stuff - you don't need to rush things out, but you can still get a taste of what's waiting for you. :)


This power chord happens on the second fret of the thickest strings and the fourth fret of the fifth string. Only do this if you're confident playing the simple version! It's a bit of a challenge, and there's nothing wrong with keeping it simple for now. :)


Come As You Are Riff: Use Your Fingertips 

At some point in the riff, you'll have to leave a finger down on one string and pick another open string next to it. Make sure that you're using your fingertips while you're fretting. If not - you might mute the open strings you're trying to play.

Focus on getting the right strings right out clearly. It might take a bit of practice - so don't rush it! The key is to use your fingertips and let the notes ring out together.


Come As You Are Riff: Counting The Rhythm

You might find counting the rhythm for this riff a bit challenging. For now, it'll be easier to learn by listening to the original recording. Get the sound in your ears rather than thinking in numbers.

The actual tempo riff is a little faster than what I showed in the video. But take your time - and practice at a slower tempo if you need to. With time, you'll feel more confident, and you'll be able to speed things up!


🔑 Think of this riff as an exercise. It should be fun, and it's great to practice your guitar picking. :)


Come As You Are Riff Tab

Need extra help? Use the tab below to guide your playing.


Tab shows how to play the Come As You Are riff for beginners


💡 Inspired to learn this full song? Get the tab, lyrics, and chords for this Nirvana song and 600+ more with the JustinGuitarTabs! Try it out for free. :)


Don't feel you need to know how to play this song perfectly before moving on to the next lesson. Have some fun with it! Now, time to get into some new songs. :)

Does Your Strumming Sound Flat or Boring?

You're missing Strumming Dynamics, and all great techniques that add a percussive hit to your rhythm guitar!