One, Two, Three, Four, Five |

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One, Two, Three, Four, Five

Ukulele Quick Start For Mums & Dads15:10
2020 Ukulele Buyers Guide19:51
The Wheels On The Bus06:06
Hush Little Baby03:20
Mary Had A Little Lamb03:26
Row, Row, Row Your Boat03:41
Apples And Bananas03:28
Incy Wincy Spider04:33
If You're Happy And You Know It04:30
A Sailor Went To Sea03:39
I'm a Little Teapot04:08
Humpty Dumpty03:28
Happy Birthday05:03
Five Little Speckled Frogs03:42
The Finger Family03:20
Baa Baa Black Sheep03:08
One, Two, Three, Four, Five05:29

We’ve all had to deal with problematic fish… haven’t we?

This children’s song is very clever and very funny, so it’s no wonder that it’s a hit with the kids! It’s a great one for kids who are learning how to count, and it’s got a few fun, interactive, question-and-answer bits. You can have them count along on their fingers as you play, or maybe have them sing the questions and you sing the answers.


Once you can play through it without any obvious breaks, you can almost apply whichever strumming pattern you’d like to the song - we’re not exactly dealing with “Wonderwall” here! This is also where you’ll want to work in some accents, or maybe “shuffle” the beat to give it some more movement than if you were to just play the rhythm flatly and straight on.


The chords we’re using in this one aren’t the most common of beginner uke chords, but they’re not difficult, either! Just two you need to worry about - F and C7.

If you want to try a chord variation, you can lift the 2nd finger off of the F chord. Experiment with it and see what sounds good to you.

Children's Songs For Mums And Dads

If you dig my children song lessons then please check out my eBook Children's Songs For Mums And Dads - 101 of your children's favourite songs arranged for easy ukulele chords. your support much appreciated.


New Song Lesson!

This John Lennon classic is perfect for advancing beginners, featuring open chords, fun rhythms, and a descending baseline that's easier than you think.