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Here are the 5 positions of the Minor 7b5 Arpeggios. They are VERY similar to the Minor 7 arps, so be careful not to get them confused.
Make sure you practice playing the related chord, then the arpeggio and then the chord again - you should try and build a relationship between the two things (the chord and the arpeggio).
The fingerings are suggestions - I suggest that you break them only if you have a logical reason to. Don't barre with your fingers - use the tips!
R ^ b3 ^ b5 ^ b7
(of The Major Scale)
This means that you will use the first, flat third, flat fifth and flat seventh degrees of The Major Scale.
Don't make any mistakes. Play it 4 times perfectly at a very slow speed and you will find you can speed it up without making mistakes and developing bad habits you will have to correct later.
Do not let your fingers "fold", use the tips the whole time, and definitely NO bares at any point. Ever.
This will help train your ears into hearing the sound of the major scale, very important. So start on the lowest (pitched) root note, play up as far as you can, then go back down as low as you can, and then back up to the root note.
It is very important that you get all five of these positions down... eventually, but please start with one at a time - much much better to be able to use one scale shape and play a solo than play five up and down and not be able to do anything with them :)
So what is all this CAGED stuff?
The CAGED system applies to arpeggios as well as scales and chords!
Get all the information you need about CAGED at TB-031 • The Caged System
A root note gives the scale it's name. Look at any of the scales and arpeggios (and most chords) on this site and you will see an R on some notes. This is note that gives the scale it's note name.
For example
Look at Position 1 below and notice that the R is on the 6th string (played with the first finger). Whatever note you put that one becomes the name of the scale. So place your first finger at the 3rd fret and you will play the G Min7b5 arpeggio (because the note on the 3rd fret of the 6th string is the note G). Place the first finger on the 9th fret and you will play the C Min7b5 arpeggio (because the note at the 9th fret of the 6th string is the note C#)
Pretty straight forward this one... just be careful with the 4th finger having to jump strings.
None that I know of. This is it.
Bit tricky but not too bad.
Sometimes it is played using the first and third fingers on the thinnest three strings.
Might seem tricky at first but it easy enough after a few goes!
You can also play this one by moving the notes on the 3rd and 1st strings one string thicker... makes it a little easier but I prefer the one shown... not sure why!
Very common shape this one, and nice to play.
None that I know of.
Bit of stretch back with the first finger but fits the chord shape well...
none that I know of..
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