Foundation 5 Practice Schedule |

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Foundation 5 Practice Schedule

Triad Chord Grips20:46
Major Pentatonic Scale06:44
Technique: Legato Scale Playing08:29
Intermediate Rhythm Guitar 513:33
Picked Fingerstyle09:28
Songs for Intermediate Foundation 5
Foundation 5 Practice Schedule04:42
Intermediate Revision09:43
One Minute Changes (F5)03:11
Ear Training Exercises (F5)04:04

We're still up to a 60 minute routine, you can break it into two 30 minutes session on alternate days too! Don't forget:

• Use a timer (see PC-104 • Using A Practice Timer if you forgot it's importance)
• Break it into the two 30 minute sessions if you don't have time to do 60 minutes a day, or you find it too much at one sitting.
• Focus your practice on things you can't do, not what you can! Always practice most the things you are worst at!

Foundation 5 Practice Schedule (60 minutes or 2 x 30 minutes)



Triad Practice and Memorisation 5 mins
One Minute Changes 5 x 1 min
Major Scale With Metronome 5 mins
Major Scale Improv. Practice (with backing track) 5 mins
JUSTIN Method / Transcribing 10 mins
Picked Fingerstyle 5 mins
Exploring Legato Technique 5 mins
Rhythm Guitar (trying the new tricks) 5 mins
Experimenting with The Major Pentatonic (with backing track) 5 mins
Songs and Repertoire 10 mins

Things To Remember

Triad Practice and Memorisation
Most important thing here is to get those triad shapes and their root notes in you memory. It's essential to know the notes on the fingerboard too, otherwise you won't know where to put them!

One Minute Changes
Slightly different from the usual, but still just have to get in there as fast as you can. Remember there will be six chords to one cycle for your count!

Major Scale With Metronome
You should still be working on playing your Major Scale in time with the metronome. I'm hoping you have it clean and even now and am working on bumping the speed up a bit if you can.

Major Scale Improvisation Practice
Now just play - use one finger if you like (any one at any time) maybe use some of the melodic patterns if you can and just experiment. Try out some new things. Don't be scared, just try things out. Try using only your little finger. Try only playing one note on each string. Try playing as few notes as you can, or as many, or... you get the idea!

JUSTIN Method / Transcribing
Either do the exercises as described in the video and or work on transcribing the songs shown in the Songs For Foundation 3 page.

Picked Fingerstyle
It's a real cool sounding technique this one, just takes a bit of practice and a bit of experimenting for it to feel natural to do it. It IS a natural kinda technique so you are learning what comes naturally anyway!

String Bending
Working on doing the bends perfectly in tune. It's a simple exercise but it needs lots of practice so you bend in tune without having to think about it. It must become instinct!

Rhythm Guitar
Try out the new techniques and get them sounding good and as soon as you can, try and use them in songs that you know. If you have a jam buddy or a looper, then get one part playing regular rhythm and then get the other guitar playing Splangs or Spreads, it'll sound ace!

Major Pentatonic Experiments
Explore the new sound and compare using it to the Minor Pentatonic. It's lots of fun and just now you should be mucking about, and just experimenting with the sounds you get from it.

Songs And Repertoire
There are some suggestions here, but feel free to use time to play songs you know already - especially songs that use the triad shapes or all the different Barre Grips, there really are a lot of tunes you can learn now, so it get important that you choose ones that you like!

Goals for Foundation 5

List of things that you should be able to do before you move on to revision! We will look at a complete Intermediate Foundation revision list next up.

  • Know from memory the 6 triad shapes (3 major and 3 minor) on strings 1/2/3
  • Get your one minute triad changes over 10 change cycles a minute (6 chords in the cycle!).
  • Play the Major Scale Position 1 from memory with a metronome at least two notes per click at 80 beats per minute.
  • Play an improvised solo using the Major Scale 5 minutes without hitting ANY wrong notes. Use one finger, or all, whatever you like, but no wrong notes!
  • Feel confident with at least two picked fingerstyle patterns.
  • Play both the minor pentatonic and major scale using legato technique (speed not important but must be done accurately!)
  • Play the Spread, Splang and Chip in at least 2 different songs.
  • Play the Major Pentatonic Scale from memory.
  • Have learned at least one new song that uses the triad shapes

Think you are there? Well now all we have to do is revise the whole Intermediate Foundation and make sure you have not forgotten anything!

I have one more lesson for you which is the foundation consolidation lesson, where I list all of the things that you should have learned during these five stages... So how have you done? ;)

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