Five Little Speckled Frogs |

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Five Little Speckled Frogs

Ukulele Quick Start For Mums & Dads15:10
2020 Ukulele Buyers Guide19:51
The Wheels On The Bus06:06
Hush Little Baby03:20
Mary Had A Little Lamb03:26
Row, Row, Row Your Boat03:41
Apples And Bananas03:28
Incy Wincy Spider04:33
If You're Happy And You Know It04:30
A Sailor Went To Sea03:39
I'm a Little Teapot04:08
Humpty Dumpty03:28
Happy Birthday05:03
Five Little Speckled Frogs03:42
The Finger Family03:20
Baa Baa Black Sheep03:08
One, Two, Three, Four, Five05:29

I'm hoping you will get all you need from the video - but I'll try to get back here later and add some more text.

Children's Songs For Mums And Dads

If you dig my children song lessons then please check out my eBook Children's Songs For Mums And Dads - 101 of your children's favourite songs arranged for easy ukulele chords. your support much appreciated.

Women's Retirement Plan!

You asked for it, so here it is: the best women's retirement plan ever tee is now available at my Merch Store! Wear this shirt to manifest a workweek involving you, your guitar, and endless jam sessions!