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Well it's that time again to Just Use Sound To Improve Now...
We've now got a whole chord palette to be choosing from when doing your chord progression transcriptions.
OK, I have explained things in the video - but now it's time to put your ears to work!!
MP3 files of these audio clips are included on the DVD Set!
Download the Method Foundation 4 Worksheet. Simply click the PDF link in the right column (under the ad!) or below on smaller screens.
Once you are finished you can download the answer sheet at the bottom of this page!
4A - E and A Shape Major, Minor, 7 and Minor 7 Barre Progressions
Now we are using all 8 Barre chord shapes!! So quite a few choices - but if you are doing it right you should not find it too hard - listen first to the root note then work out the quality of the chord! Make sure you pause as usual right after the chord you are working out. It can also help to listen a few times to the whole thing in order before you get going! Go for it dudes and dudettes!
JUSTIN-Method-Ex-4A by justinguitar
4B - G Major Scale Solo
This time round we are back with the G Major Scale, but it's more complex than before. Now we are using Quarter notes, eighth notes and eighth note rests! so it's similar rhythmically to the kind of things we were doing in rhythmic dictation back in Foundation 3 Rhythmic Dictation! It fun, and the trick here is pause as you go along, write it in and then play along with it and make sure you have it right before you check the answers. It's going to take some time to get it all right with the rhythms and all, but you CAN do it, it's just practice!
JUSTIN-Method-Ex-4B by justinguitar
4C - Rhythmic Dictation Exercises (Q / E / S and rests)
In this exercise we are only using Quarter notes (Crotchets) and Eighth notes (Quavers) and also now adding in Sixteenth notes as blocks. And we still have some easy eighth note rests too! This should not be too hard, sixteenth note rhythms can get real complex - but we're just introducing them at this stage!
JUSTIN-Method-Ex-4C by justinguitar
Download the Method Foundation 4 Answers. Simply click the PDF link in the right column (under the ad!) or below on smaller screens.
You're missing Strumming Dynamics, and all great techniques that add a percussive hit to your rhythm guitar!