Where Did You Sleep Last Night by Nirvana | JustinGuitar.com
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Learn to Play "Where Did You Sleep Last Night" by Nirvana on the Guitar

In this lesson, we'll learn to play Where Did You Sleep Last Night on the guitar. This is a great opportunity to delve into the grunge genre, made popular by bands like Nirvana. The song has a unique rhythmic pattern, and some interesting chord transitions that we'll explore.

Where Did You Sleep Last Night, a song popularly covered by Nirvana, is an intriguing piece with an original strumming pattern. The beat is in 6/8 time, meaning each measure contains six beats, and each beat is played as an eighth note. This creates a unique rhythmic pulse that is crucial to capturing the song's feel.

The song follows a straightforward sequence throughout, making it a perfect tune for beginners or those looking for something fun and relatively simple to play. However, it does have a few interesting elements that we'll break down, making it engaging even for more advanced players.


The Strumming Pattern

The strumming pattern is a key aspect of playing this song authentically. It's essentially a series of down and upstrokes that follow the 6/8 time signature. The pattern is repetitive and helps drive the song's rhythm. It's crucial to keep your strumming hand constantly moving, following the rhythm of the song. This fluid motion is a fundamental technique for any strumming pattern.


The Chord Progression

The song kicks off with an E chord, setting the tone for what follows. The E chord is held for a full measure and then transitions into a quick, triplet-based run that leads into the next chord.

From there, the song moves to an A chord, followed by a G chord. Each of these chords is played for three counts, giving the song its distinctive, almost galloping rhythm.

The progression then moves to a B chord. The B chord can be played in a few different ways, but the full barre chord version works best for this song. It's also where we encounter a unique, curled note that adds a bit of flavor to the sequence.

Completing the sequence, the song returns to the E chord, ready to begin the loop again. The chord progression is simple, but the distinctive rhythm and occasional twiddles make it a fun and engaging piece to play.


Getting the Feel of the Song

Where Did You Sleep Last Night is all about getting the right feel. Nirvana were pioneers of grunge, and this song is a perfect example of that grungy, raw, and somewhat loose style. The E chord at the beginning could even sound like an E sus because of how the strings are strummed. It's these little details that make the song so fascinating.

The goal here is to play along with the song's original version to capture the right feel and rhythm. Don't be afraid to embrace the grunginess! That's what makes this song so iconic.


Wrapping It Up

This lesson is your ticket into the world of grunge music and learning a popular song by one of the genre's most influential bands. It's a fantastic way to improve your guitar skills while having fun. I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I do!

Now, it's time to watch the video and start playing. Remember, practice makes permanent, so keep strumming, and soon you'll master Where Did You Sleep Last Night by Nirvana on the guitar. Happy playing!


👉 Want chords, tabs, and lyrics to follow along with my song tutorials? Check out JustinGuitarTabs

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Chord Grips
Other Songs by Nirvana