video coming soon
All guitar techniques that don't require a pick are here.
6 Lessons
59 mins and 57 sec
Ever wondered why my nails sometimes look a bit gross? Well, they're fake! Here's a video of how I get it done. Thanks to Andy at East Sheen Nails! 2018 UPDATE In mid-2...
This is loads of fun, a technique I stole from Neil Young - at least I think it's how he does it ;)
This technique is a way of playing a block of notes of a chord, but one at a time. It's really useful for bringing out the melody when it is the top note of a chord. Mak...
In this lesson, I take you through the technique Mark Knopfler uses to play many of his fast licks as found in Sultans Of Swing, Tunnel Of Love and other solos. As well ...
For more detail on this technique please see the Folk Fingerstyle Module
For more detail on this technique please see the Folk Fingerstyle Module