Note Circle: Memorizing Verbally |

Note Circle: Memorizing Verbally

PMT Workbook - Grade 1
Pitch & Notes04:44
The Note Circle4:19
Sharps And Flats4:25
Tones And Semitones6:23
Note Circle: Memorizing by Writing3:10
Note Circle: Memorizing Verbally5:11
Note Circle: Memorizing With a Buddy1:52
Open String Note Names4:08
Music Theory Course - Grade 1 Quiz

Exercise 2: Memorizing the Note Circle Verbally

Begin by vocalizing the musical notes, excluding any sharps and flats. Then, practice reciting them in reverse order until you find it easy and no longer challenging. Next, incorporate the sharps into your practice, ensuring you do not overlook notes that naturally do not have A# variant. Finally, introduce flats into your exercises to complete your mastery of musical note identification.


Step-by-step and Variations

  • Start saying the notes without the sharps and flats.
  • Then, do it backward until it's not tricky anymore.
  • Add sharps. Don't forget the notes that are not sharp!
  • Add flats.


šŸ‘‰ Now, a last exercise. You will need a jam buddy! ;)