“If You’re Happy and You Know It” isn’t just a fun one to sing, but it’s super interactive! The little ones will love this, especially if you’ve got more than a few to entertain. You can get really creative with the commands, too - clap your hands, stamp your feet, nod your head, make a funny face - whatever you can come up with. Of course, I don’t necessarily recommend attempting the handclaps while you’re playing the ukulele, but if you can get them in without dropping your instrument, go for it! :)
To play the tune, you’re going to need just three chords - C, G7, and F (much easier on the uke than on the guitar!).
If you dig my children song lessons then please check out my eBook Children's Songs For Mums And Dads - 101 of your children's favourite songs arranged for easy ukulele chords. your support much appreciated.